Sunday, October 28, 2012

Video: Romney vows to be bipartisan leader

>>> this is peter alexander in florida where mitt romney is trying to pump up the vote. vowing he would be a bipartisan leader mr. romney laid into the president.

>> he promised that his would be a post partisan presidency. we have watched him over the last four years and he's been divisive and demonized any group that opposed him.

>> reporter: marco rubio attacked president obama 's proposals with his sharp partisan rebuke.

>> they are the ideas of countries that people come here to get away from.

>> reporter: mitt romney will stop first in the heavily republican panhandle. then in a democratic leaning county trying to slice into the president's lead before closing the day near tampa, a battleground within this swing state . meanwhile not wanting to risk appearing to put politics before public safety .

>> i was looking forward to being in virginia, but you know the hurricane is headed up there. i just spoke with governor mcdonald. the governor and i talked about that. he said, you know, the first responders really need to focus on preparation for the storms.

>> reporter: the romney campaign said it rescheduled sunday stops in virginia where hurricane sandy is taking aim.

>> as ohio goes, so goes america.

>> reporter: the republican nominee will join paul ryan tomorrow on the second day of his bus tour through ohio.

>> you know it's you. you know what you have in front of you. you know the responsibility.

>> reporter: trying to look like it's in the driver's seat the romney campaign launched a fundraising effort to compete in two states the president considers his -- pennsylvania and minnesota.

>> peter, i want to bring in kristen as well and get a sense where things are going now. let me start with you, kristen . ten days to go and you said the race is deadlocked. what's the obama strategy down the stretch?

>> reporter: well, lester , president obama is focusing his closing argument on the issue of trust. he's trying to make the case that mitt romney can't be trusted because he said he's moved to the middle on key issues like taxes, foreign policy and education. the president arguing that he's still the best candidate to get the economy back on track. he continues to enlist former president bill clinton to help. the two will campaign together in florida on monday. the one thing looming over the closing argument , the october jobs report. it comes out the friday before voters head to the polls. lester ?

>> peter, a candidate can't be in many places at one time. what's the plan for romney with ten days? where will his focus be?

>> reporter: it's a good question. mitt romney will focus on an optimistic jobs oriented theme for the last ten days. they are trying to make a contrast between the two candidates. referring to his own candidacy as one of big change and the president is one of status quo. that word "big" we heard 24 times from romney today. we are likely to hear it again several times tonight. lester ?

>> peter and kristen on the campaign trail for us tonight,


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